Improve Lighting and Reduce Energy up to 70 Percent

At BGA Energy, we offer LED lighting sales & installation in Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas.  We understand the challenges you face in managing your lighting environment and we have a range of solutions to fit your commercial LED lighting needs. We can advise you on the new generation of low maintenance, energy saving LED lighting solutions – designed to enhance light quality, drive down cost and reduce carbon footprint. In short we make it easy for you. 

LED lighting conversions have proven benefits. The “green” impact, high efficiency and ultra-long life are making efficient lighting alternatives a better choice for cost-conscious BGA customers. Our lighting consultants are uniquely placed to be able to listen to you, understand your situation and advise on appropriate solutions to meet your business needs. We know that every customer is different and that recommending the right lighting solution for you can directly affect your profitability. And that’s good for business.

All recommended LED equipment is listed and tested with the The DesignLights Consortium™ (DLC). The DLC label provides some certainty for decision makers. The organization's stringent standards –– from quality to energy efficiency to warranty –– do evaluation and qualification that you would otherwise need to perform when working with a lighting manufacturer. 

In addition to the indicated energy savings, the long life of the LED equipment allow for significant maintenance savings to your facility and improved light quality. 

Energy Company Incentives

With Duke Energy's Smart $aver Incentive program, businesses can receive cash for installing high-efficiency lighting, HVAC, pumps and other qualifying equipment. The use of energy efficient equipment enables businesses to improve their bottom line by reducing energy consumption. Smart $aver incentives also helps lower costs associated with upgrades. BGA Energy is a participating Duke Energy Smart $aver Trade Ally. BGA Energy sells and installs high efficiency equipment that qualifies for the Duke Energy Smart $aver Incentive Program.  We then complete the incentive applications for our customers.

led LIGHTING   - photos of sample Projects completed by bga energy in the charlotte area


Energy Efficient LED Lighting

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